26/11 was a black day for every Indian or I would say, for humanity. We all were deeply shaken, horrified and angry with this act of barbarism.
All the TV channels were continuously telecasting the horrendous incidence live and we were watching that like we watch a cricket match live or a movie, from the comfort of our homes and away from the horrific drama which was unfolding live in front of us.
First and instant reaction of the public was anger, and then statements like ‘enough is enough’ have been coming out from them. They don’t want politicians to take any political advantage of this situation and now the public is fed up of false promises and sham faces of the politicians.
But how long this anger, this helplessness and these feelings are going to reside in us? As I feel that every memory has its expiry date and after that these memories are thrown out of our minds.
People have already resumed their work as usual and nothing is going to change for them; it is always the actual family who has been affected that suffers the great loss of their dear ones & for the rest of the public, life goes on.
This whole drama and horrific act made me think about the very basic thing…. where are we heading towards? What kind of life are we going to have ahead of us?
With advancement in technology the future terror attacks are going to be more dangerous. May be with the advent in technology, terrorist of the future will be able to blow up airplanes or buildings, sitting at home. Tons of RDX won’t even be needed to destroy the buildings and to kill innocent people. Small electronic equipments would be sufficient to do the havoc. Then there will be also biological wars. Thus there will be ‘n’ number of ways the terrorists can use to kill people. War won’t be fought on the borders but it will be fought everyday within your own country with the faceless enemies.
Enough has been said about what the politicians should be doing and what things and changes are needed in the system to take place. But why only blame politicians? We are also equally to be blamed. Who are politicians? They represent the cross section of India. Corruption is deep rooted within all of us. Tell me one office where corruption is not there? Let it be govt, semi govt , any public or private organization. So we have to change the mentality of all the people. It would be foolish to expect only politicians to behave like gods.
The morality in all the people in general is declining!!! This is a materialistic world. The percentage of good people having good moral values is less than 1% and these 1% people are neither in politics nor in any job which serves the country. There is a dearth of wise, noble & good people in this whole world. That is what I feel.
People get carried away by speeches; people get carried away by provocative statements. Very few wise people have their own thinking and they don’t let provocative talks to affect them.
Now media says ‘enough is enough… and politicians don’t try to gain any political agenda out of this terrorists attack’ public then mime their word. In a way it is not bad…if it is going to take us in positive direction. So remember ‘enough is enough’ are not the thoughts of ordinary Indian people but they are imposed upon them by the media. Tomorrow if media says something else people will start chanting that…people do not have their own views.
That means media can play a good role in any national movement; media has to be very responsible and careful while giving any statements. Like the people get carried away by the provocative statements, these terrorists are also getting carried away by the provocative speeches of their leaders and then these leaders of the terrorist’s organization are using this negative energy to kill innocent lives.
What I feel is that this terrorism has to be fought at 2 levels. How doctors treat any disease they treat the symptoms as well as the root cause. So right now we also have to fight on 2 levels ...immediate action would be to treat the symptoms i.e. try to destroy these terrorists camps but the longer process which will be the permanent solution of the problem will be to treat the root cause.... i.e. make these countries grow economically help them become stronger...If every youth is having a good job and education then they wont have time to get provoked and get indulged in heinous activities. If we see, all these terrorists come from very poor background and these poor, jobless youth are then misguided and brainwashed by their leaders, under the name of Jihad.
But are we only threatened by the terrorists? The answer will be No.
Following points according to me are some of the root causes of many problems affecting the world.
1. Materialism
2. Need and hunger for more and still more money and that too without any hard work
3. Want of instant name and fame.
4. Extreme social inequality… In today’s world we have some people who have lot of money, who are living a lavish life and at the same time we have people who don’t have house, who don’t even have a morsel to eat. People are dying of hunger in some part of the world and somewhere people are wasting food.
5. Fierce competition, rat race at every front in life.
6. People want happiness but they don’t know how to get it.
7. We want more money and security and therefore both the husband and wife have to work. We have nuclear families & children are raised either by the day cares or by maids. Children don’t know how to deal with emotions because they are been deprived from the love and security needed to them in their tender years. What is a result? We are going to have future generation which is devoid of any affection and love and the generation which is extremely materialistic.
If we watch the cartoons or the games made for children, it all contain so much of violence. Killing the enemies with guns and using different kinds of weapons are the games which children are playing these days. So killing people is a game for these children - the future citizens of the world.
8. According to me the gravest problem in front of the world in the future would be the mental health of the people. We are going to have all kind of mental health problems. We are going to have future generations where people are going to be like robots, killing other people not affecting their minds.
So now I feel that there is a need for drastic change in the children’s curriculum.. Along with the other subjects like mathematics and science we need to teach them tolerance, resilience, respect and love for each other not just through text books but also through examples.
There is a need for new social law wherein before getting married people will be taught the true meaning of marriage, importance of love. There should be lessons in parenting, strict guidelines about good parenting also some compulsory classes and courses regarding parenting and child development and this education should be free and compulsory to every living human being in this world. I think this would be the new religion.
Why religion in the first place came into existence? …to give people guideline about how to lead a good life. So with changing times, with the changing world we need to have new curriculum we can call it as new religion which will give good guidance to people to lead a good and happy life.
If every human being is going to have good moral values and good strong emotional foundation then they will have happy families and happy families will have happy children and this will eventually lead to happy societies and a happy world.
Children are the future. Give them love - loads of love, be patient with them, give them healthy surrounding and we will have a peaceful world to live in.
These terrorist organizations know this basic thing that we have to corrupt the minds of the children from very early stage so now they have been really making them human bombs by giving them provocative speeches from the early age.
We have to do the exact opposite…we have to teach these children how to love and respect each other.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
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